Thursday, January 6, 2011


3rd January 2011.

Almost 200 new students enrolled on the first day of schooling. The Year 1 students particularly caught my attention. They are the cheerful bunch, full of energy and always eager to obey the teachers' instructions . Until today, all the students looked happy and contented. Until this morning, there were still a few parents who sat in the school canteen waiting for their children.

I saw one boy wearing sandals. I was thinking of ignoring it, but he cheerfully told me,
"Lupa pakai kasut. Nanti ayah datang bawa kasut."

During recess, I saw one of the teacher's son sitting alone in the corner. His mother is on maternity leave , and he looked so unsure of himself. Alhamdulillah, there is always a teacher to assist him.

4 January 2011

There was a commotion in the school. A Year 1 student was found missing.He was supposed to wait for his mother in the canteen. Everyone looked for him and his mother was almost in tears. Half an hour later, we found him strolling happily around the school grounds with his friend!

We also got acquainted with a generous couple who offered to equip the school surau with a new curtain. Since the students perform Dzuhur prayers at the end of the day, they also offered to buy everyone a pair of rubber slippers each! We were very humbled by their kind gesture.

There is still a lot to be done ; new faces to be remembered, new skills to be taught and new souls to be coaxed. I have to get myself organised and strive to work smarter!


  1. salam, makcik as always your writing mmg akan menginsafkan saya...saya selalu nak salahkan anak murid...anak murid pemalas, nakal, bising bla bla....padahal memang tugas guru utk didik dan tunjuk ajar mereka....supaya dorang jadi pandai,berakhlak baik....thanx makcik for the reminder....

  2. Ayu masih muda. Pengalaman akan mengajar kita. Just keep up with your good work and the students will appreciate it sooner or later.
