Monday, May 24, 2010


Salam. Saturday is the time when I pamper the cats. I'd go to the wet market and buy 2-3 kg of mackeral or sardines. Then I cut the fresh fish into bite-size pieces and the cats enjoy them very much.

Last Saturday, it was raining heavily. The cats were feasting on the fresh fish that I have just bought. I was about to fetch the cats some real food from the kitchen, when the next-door neighbour shouted that the dogs were eating the cats. I rushed outside the house and saw a dog running away with the 3 month old kitten.
The neighbour said the dogs got another cat which took shelter under the van. The other cats climbed up the nearby tree for their safety.
Sadly, 'gemuk' didn't make it. I suspected that its neck was broken and it passed away about 5 minutes after being mauled by the dogs.

'Kenapa anjing tu pilih gemuk yang paling cantik dan gebu.' saya tanya azhar, cuba menghilangkan rasa bersalah meninggalkan pintu pagar terbuka.
' Memang la anjing tu sifatnya tamak' jawab azhar, tanpa perasaan.

Dua hari selepas kejadian, barulah saya rasa bersedia untuk berkongsi cerita dengan en suami dan anak-anak. En suami tanya saya, apa pengajaran yang saya perolehi dari peristiwa ini.

Ya. Pagar mesti sentiasa ditutup untuk keselamatan kucing-kucing dan juga manusia-manusia yang tinggal di 8069, Persiaran Wira Jaya Barat 48!

A painful lesson indeed.


  1. kat kg tersusun tasek pun pagar kene tutup rapat sebab anjing-anjing kat situ suke mkn or gigit tengkuk kucing..tapi dia pandai pilih..die pilih kucing yang paling kita sayang.. :((

  2. Laaaa, mati ke? sedih..gemok yg mata biru tu ke?

  3. mak, kat alamat umah tu mak terlupa bubuh poskod..kekeke

  4. Zura - Betul tu. Anjing tu pilih kucing yang paling cantik. Dia patahkan tengkuk kucing, then lepaskan. Last night depa datang balik, tapi jiran tolong halaukan.

    Kerol - Itu hitam gebu. Selamat sebab panjat pokok.

    DJ - 31350
