Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I'm back. Actually I got home from Jitra last Thursday and had to attend a meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Friday. On arrival at my parent's house, I was still able to help my mum making the beds and mopping the floor. Yes, my sister and her family were coming home. En suami fondly called her Puan Hajjah. He also gave Tuan Haji Azman a big welcoming hug!

On Saturday, we went shopping. School will reopen in a week's time and I treat myself to a new pair of shoes and a handbag!

After all the excitement, I came down with fever on Sunday. I knew I was exhausted and really needed a rest. Alhamdulillah, I was up and about and felt fine the next day after 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep!

Cik tutor once told me that we could let go of our frustrations by blogging. I was quite unhappy these past few days, especially if I had to deal with a certain type of people.

I get along fine with people with sincere intentions; kind-hearted, never talk behind your back, helpful and most importantly 'sedar diri'. I hope my children and their future spouses will be blessed with beautiful akhlak which is pleased by Allah and all mankind. It is easier said than done. To have children with respectful akhlak is not an overnight work. Rasullullah narrates that :

“Setiap bayi itu dilahirkan atas dasar fitrah. Maka kedua orang tuanyalah yg membuatnya menjadi Yahudi, Nashrani atau Majuzi.”

I hope that en suami and I have done our best in raising our children. We know they are not perfect; always sensitive and sometimes loud but deep inside they have the nicest hearts.

Alhamdulillah, I feel much better already.

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